When you’re a fast-growing startup, keeping up with feedback from your users is critically important, as iterating on customer feedback is the key to reaching product-market fit.
That’s where Leonardo.ai - a two year old AI art generation startup who was recently acquired by Canva - found themselves. They’d just reached 19 million users and are growing at lightspeed. The Leonardo team wasn’t staffed to handle the thousands of pieces of feedback their customers were generating each month. That’s when they started leveraging Unwrap.
Saving scarce headcount resources
At a startup, headcount is a scarce resource, and the leadership team is always looking to “get more done with less”. For Leonardo, VOC was an area they turned to Unwrap to automate.
“We did not have the capacity to collect and analyze feedback on an ongoing basis”, says Oren Weiss, who leads Product at Leonardo. “Without Unwrap, we would need a full-time product researcher to focus on the voice of the customer (VOC), which we can now save.”
Instead of staffing a full-time researcher, whose salaries typically run well past $100K annually, Leonardo integrated feedback from their Intercom support feed and Discord community into Unwrap. Each week, the team reviews the top insights that Unwrap automatically finds from that feedback. They use these insights to find bugs that need more attention, which features need to be prioritized, or where their support and documentation need to be improved. Their new process is simple and effective.
Identifying customer pain points
One of the most valuable use cases for Unwrap is to uncover previously known customer issues that are leading to low user satisfaction or customer churn. With Unwrap’s NLP technology, the platform is able to find very granular, actionable trends that are very hard to discover purely with a manual review process. Here’s one such example from Leonardo:
“We had a search feature which wasn’t operational for several weeks. Unwrap identified this based on growing customer complaints and showed that it was interrupting Leonardo’s user activities. We were able to prioritize fixing this based on the insights from Unwrap.”
Previously, quantifying the size of this issue to make an educated prioritization decision would have involved manually sifting through thousands of support conversations to size the issue up. Instead, Unwrap did all that work for them.
Save money, while making more confident roadmap decisions
The best product teams don’t just chase the latest customer request. They prioritize opportunities based on what will positively impact the most customers or have the most impact on key business metrics. Quantifying impact is a challenging and expensive task, often involving manual and tedious one-off analysis.
“Before Unwrap, it was manual and expensive for us to authoritatively say ‘X number of customers are saying this, so we need to fix it’” said Oren. “The value of Unwrap is our ability to drive a product prioritization conversation with confidence.”
Leonardo expects their user base to grow larger and more diverse in the coming months. They want to establish more rigorous mechanisms to listen to their customers effectively, and Unwrap has helped them lay the initial groundwork. “The combination of AI with our users’ voice makes Unwrap a strong part of our toolkit in our journey to identify product-market fit.”
Top Benefits for Leonardo:
- They established a VOC program for a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time product researcher.
- They don’t have to manually go searching for issues in their CX. Unwrap flags them on their behalf, so they can fix them quicker.
- They make more confident prioritization decisions, without their PMs needing to spend hours each week sizing up the impact.